This event, which was originally scheduled for September 2022, will take place on 27th April 2023. The Activity Leaders will soon reach out to members who had booked tickets for the original date. Should any tickets become available after this, we will make an announcement in our eNews and at our General Meetings.
The company of KCWC members is requested to join the celebratory cocktail party hosted by The Countess Bathurst and her committee for the launch of the National Foundation for Retired Service Animals (NFRSA). The evening, by kind permission of The Chairman and Directors of Christie’s, will introduce attendees to the work of the newly established NFRSA. Formal invitations will be sent upon registration (see below) for this fabulous well attended event where many Ambassadors for the Foundation (known to us through our TV screens) are to meet with guests to share their enthusiasm for establishing a caring retirement for loyal animals after their years of service in the public sector.
A chance to enjoy a formal party in a historic setting with The Countess’s guests and KCWC members. We are so excited this outstanding event has been introduced to us and co-ordinated by KCWC members Alice McCaire and Sousan Jahanshahi.
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