Congratulations to our new Board Members 2022-2023
Thank you to those who voted in the recent Board officer election. The slate was resoundingly approved with only 4 nay votes and so duly ratified. The new Board will take over KCWC governance 15 January 2022. Best wishes to those retiring – Mary Sini and Anne Koutsabeloulis and a welcome to the new officers.
President: Mary Narvell**
Vice President: Farzana Seddon
Treasurer: Swaty Gupta
Secretary: Mimi Rolbant
Activity Leader Liaison Team: Marian Vobach + Jilly Ferrero + Kathleen Crook
Advertising Manager: Elisabetta Astolfi
eCommunications Manager: Karen Gustovich
Events Coordinator: Maria Puleio
Marketing/Programmes: Eve Mitleton-Kelly + Vivien Matthews
Membership Services: Victoria Chelini + Natalia Zavacki
Newsletter Manager: Claudia Marchetti
**this President’s term ends 15 June 2022
In accordance with the By-Laws a two-thirds majority of voting members was required to ratify the motion.