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Volunteer With US at Refettorio Felix Community Kitchen 9 September 2024

9 September, 2024 @ 11:00 am - 2:00 pm


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Join us on the 9 September at Refettorio Felix, St Cuthbert’s in Earl’s Court.  We will be serving a homemade 3-course lunch in an incredible community kitchen.  Refettorio Felix proudly opens itself to people who struggle with many issues including loneliness, mental health difficulties, substance misuse, and rough sleeping. Their stated mission is “to bring dignity back to the table and promote a sense of community whilst tackling the dual issues of food waste and food poverty with our surplus food lunch service.”

We are looking for four volunteers to assist with meal service, once per month. The three-hour shift begins at 11:00am with an induction followed by set up, lunch service, and table clearance.

Subsequent dates for 2024 are 14 October and 11 November.

We request volunteers to sign up at least one week in advance to inform the organisers of all members of our group and review all guidelines. Should you be unable to attend, we request you please attempt to find a replacement as the kitchen will depend on our commitment of four people each month.

Please get involved in helping our shared community. We look forward to meeting many of you in the months ahead.


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